If you’re new to keto, you’ll quickly learn that not all fruit is low in carbs (looking at you, grapes, cherries, and bananas!). But what about peaches? Are peaches keto, or are carbs in peaches too high to enjoy? Let’s talk about carb counts in this fruit, and ways to enjoy its flavor on a low carb lifestyle. New to counting carbs or keto? Learn the keto diet basics here and grab my printable keto cheat sheet system to make it easy.

Are Peaches Keto Friendly?

Sadly, peaches are not keto. Carbs in peaches are too high in the average serving to enjoy regularly on a keto diet. Is a peach low carb, though? They might be, but you would need to track your macros closely to know for certain.

Are canned peaches keto friendly?

Sorry, canned peaches aren’t keto friendly either. Carbs in canned peaches tend to be higher because they often contain added sugar, but even no sugar added versions are still not keto. GET THE WEB APP

Is peach cobbler keto friendly?

In case you weren’t sure by now… peach cobbler is not keto. Even with keto friendly sweeteners, the peaches in cobblers contain too many carbs to be keto friendly.

How Many Carbs In A Peach?

Do peaches have carbs? They do, but just how many carbs does a peach have? Carbs in fresh peaches clock in at 15.2 grams total carbs per fruit [*]. Net carbs in peaches aren’t much lower, in case you’re wondering. With a small amount of fiber, one peach still contains 13 grams net carbs.

How many carbs in canned peaches?

Canned peach carb count is also high. In one cup of sliced canned peaches, you’ll get 14.9 grams total carbs and 11.7 grams net carbs [*].

How many carbs in peach cobbler?

The average peach cobbler has an astronomical amount of carbs for this lifestyle. Half a cup of peach cobbler will cost you about 41.9 grams total carbs and 40.3 grams net carbs [*]. Steer clear and make a keto peach cobbler instead!

Peach Keto Substitutes

If there are no peaches allowed on keto (in normal servings, at least), what can you have instead? You can still enjoy the flavor of peaches on keto with these substitutes:

Peach Extract – Add fruity peach flavor to baked goods and sauces.Peach Jam – This one uses real peaches and has just 2 net carbs per serving.Peach Water Enhancer – Just a few drops needed for fruity flavor in drinks.Peach Gelatin – Sugar-free, with lots of peach flavor.Peach Protein Shakes – If you like the flavor of peaches and cream, try this keto friendly swap.Peach Tea – Are peaches low carb in tea? They are in this one: get fruity flavor in a calming tea, without the carbs!

Conclusion: Can You Eat Peaches On Keto?

Peaches are not keto friendly, since carbs in peaches are high for the average serving size. However, you can find lots of substitutions to enjoy their fruity flavor and keep carbs to a minimum.