If you’re following a low carb lifestyle, chances are that you’ve run across family members not always wanting to go along with every aspect. My entire family is mostly low carb already, except for years my husband insisted on having a processed, sugar-filled powdered drink mix for breakfast. This healthy low carb smoothie recipe arose out of my millionth attempt to change that. And finally, a chocolate peanut butter smoothie was what did it! Needless to say, this alone makes this low carb breakfast smoothie worth its weight in gold, to me. It’s really an amazing feeling when I can help my family make better choices. I tried offering so many other breakfast options before I found one my husband would stick to. He really loved the drink he was used to, which tasted a lot like sweet chocolate milk. For a while, I couldn’t find anything he preferred over that drink. Not even eggs or almond flour pancakes or keto cinnamon rolls. He loves keto crepes, but even with those he didn’t want them every day. For some reason, he was set on having the same breakfast drink every day. At last, I discovered this chocolate peanut butter smoothie recipe. It’s much thicker than his chocolate-milk-like drink, and he admitted it’s even more delicious. (You can thin it out if you don’t want it thick, though.) Besides, it doesn’t get much better than peanut butter and chocolate together. There are a zillion ways to make low carb smoothies, but for this recipe I had to make sure that it would replace my husband’s processed breakfast drink. And I’m so excited that it did!

Low Carb Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie Ingredients

The ingredients for this low carb chocolate peanut butter smoothie are super simple. They’re all right off my low carb food list, and you might even have them right now. They are:

Peanut butter – preferably creamy and natural, like this one Cocoa powder Heavy cream Unsweetened almond milk (I’ve been making my own homemade almond milk to save money!) Sweetener Sea salt (optional)

That only five ingredients (not including the optional sea salt) – yay! See the recipe card below for the amounts. For my husband’s chocolate peanut butter smoothie, I also often add a couple scoops of collagen peptides. Feel free to throw that in there for added benefits! Now, I know some people may be wondering how this is a healthy chocolate peanut butter smoothie, with all that heavy cream. But, when you’re eating low carb, heavy cream isn’t really bad for you, and it can help keep you full. I buy organic heavy cream without any fillers. If you’re still on the fence about heavy cream – or if you want to make this recipe dairy-free and vegan – you can also use coconut cream instead! The smoothie will have a bit of that coconut flavor, but still totally delicious. With the coconut cream option, these ingredients are actually similar to this chocolate peanut butter nice cream recipe – but with different amounts.

How To Make a Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

Making a chocolate peanut butter smoothie is just about the easiest thing ever. Throw everything in a blender and puree. At the end, you may need to adjust the amount of sweetener to your liking. Some people like their low carb smoothies more or less sweet, so decide for yourself. Just stick to either powdered or liquid sweetener, because granulated can be grainy. By the way, this low carb breakfast smoothie is super thick, so if you want to thin it out, feel free to add more unsweetened almond milk. I like it thick so that it’s kind of like a milkshake. Don’t forget the toppings for your chocolate peanut butter smoothie! I didn’t include them in the ingredient list because you can choose to add them or not. For the pictures, I added whipped cream drizzled with more peanut butter and sugar-free chocolate shavings on top. They sure do look pretty and make this healthy low carb smoothie feel like dessert for breakfast!

Low Carb Smoothies Meal Prep

I’ve been on a meal prep kick lately (hello, Mason jar salad?), so naturally I had to make my low carb smoothie recipe make-ahead-friendly, too. Since my husband has replaced his old breakfast drink with this smoothie every day, I like to make multiple servings for him ahead of time, to last a few days. If you want to do the same, it’s easy to adjust the number of servings on the recipe card to make as many as you’d like. Just change the number, and the ingredient amounts will all update. Your only limit is how much will fit in your blender! I usually make three or four servings at a time and store them in a large Mason jar like this. You can actually do this with any low carb breakfast smoothie, by the way. Try it with a pumpkin smoothie, strawberry avocado smoothie or even a keto green smoothie bowl. For some types of low carb smoothies, you might need to mix it again in a blender right before serving. But not for this one! Just pour your chocolate peanut butter smoothie into a glass and enjoy!   Share your recipe picture by tagging @wholesomeyum and hashtag it #wholesomeyum on Instagram, or in our Facebook support group, too - I’d love to see it!