Let me start by saying that this week has been hard. You can definitely tell the holidays are fast approaching, as time suddenly seems to go by so much faster and deadlines are always creeping up on me! Seriously, where can I start a petition so we can have 30 hour days? Who can I talk to? I wanna see the manager!  Do you feel the same? I bet if you have kids, you’re probably also struggling with back-to-school stress and anxiety. The kids are worried about how things will play out over this new school year, what their grades will be and if they are gonna fit socially. It is very common for parents to also feel all this things. I don’t have to deal with any of this yet, as we don’t have kids. But I have several other stress sources, so believe me when I say: I get you!

So I thought I would share with you my number one stress management activity: baking bread. There’s something about baking bread from scratch that is very relaxing and comforting. Not to mention the smell! Oh, the smell definitely has something to do with the fact that I feel so much better after I bake a loaf of bread. Today’s choice is a fresh and slightly sweet Honey Oat Bread made with Bob’s Red Mill Oats. The oats add just the perfect amount of nuttiness and pairs great with the honey, making this bread perfect for sandwiches or even for breakfast, with a slab of butter or jam.

I’ve been a huge fan of Bob’s Red Mill Oats for a while now. All of their oats are kiln roasted to give them that wholesome flavor you come to expect from good quality oats. There are so many delicious things I like to make with oats. It is truly an incredibly versatile whole grain that is also rich in dietary fiber and can help reduce cholesterol. Despite what you might think of me (and my occasional food porn style recipes), I do try to keep a healthy diet and eat things that are nourishing and good for my body. So Bob’s Red Mill Oats are always in my pantry!

If you’re also an oats lover but haven’t tried making oat bread yet, you need to get on that ASAP! This bread is not only delicious but very easy and fool proof, especially if you use a stand mixer. You do have to wait for it to rise twice, but it is totally worth it. Not to mention, you get to go work on other stuff (ahem, time to start working on Halloween costumes!) while the bread is rising. And, at the end, you will have this beautiful and fresh loaf of bread that would impress any professional baker. Seriously, who would buy bread when you can make this fantastic oat bread at home? ❤️

For this recipe, I recommend:



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