This may not come as a shock to you, but I am definitely one of the “next meal” people. And next snack. I even sometimes fall asleep at night thinking about what I’m having for breakfast the next day. When you have something as delicious as high-protein overnight oatmeal that tastes like a sugar cookie waiting for you in the refrigerator, it’s easy to do!

About These Overnight Oats

This high-protein oatmeal recipe is essentially classic overnight oats, with a few simple tweaks to make them extra high in protein, and, I must say, extra tasty too. Every serving packs a whopping 26 grams and is less than 300 calories! Part of the reason I am so often thinking about my next meal (aside from the fact that I ♡ food) is that when I’m hungry, I morph into a grouchy, disgruntled bear. It is not pretty or pleasant for those around me. Protein is one of the most important ingredients for keeping you fuller, and thus happier, for longer. Also, when I’m hungry, I’m much more apt to reach for non-nourishing items that, while they taste great in the moment, can leave me feeling regretful and, ironically, still hungry. (Bag of sweet potato chips, I’m looking at you.)

Whether you are a pro meal planner who always has a snack in your purse or you would forget to eat if someone didn’t remind you, overnight high-protein oatmeal is an ideal way to make sure that a) you start every day with a healthy breakfast (so important!) and b) that breakfast actually sustains you. I find that if I have a generous serving of protein in the morning, I maintain better eating habits the entire day. Because overnight oats can last in the refrigerator all week, if you make a big batch, you only need to remember to mix them up once (just like this Coconut Chia Pudding). I like to stir mine up on Sunday night, then for the entire week I never need to think twice about what I’m eating, no matter how busy my mornings become.

A Few Recipe Notes

Two ingredients contribute to this overnight oatmeal’s high protein count:

The first is Greek yogurt. It offers 12 grams in a half cup and makes the protein oatmeal taste extra rich and creamy too. The second is whey protein powder. If you think that protein is only for serious athletes or body builders, it’s time to reconsider! I started adding whey protein to my smoothies and using it to make no-bake protein balls about a year ago, and I am never going back. It makes recipes more filling, and I also find that if I drink protein after exercising, I’m less sore the next day. Plus, if you buy the right brand, whey protein is super yummy too!

For today’s recipe, I used this vanilla protein powder. Its creamy vanilla flavor mixed with the oatmeal, along with a bit of vanilla extract, almond extract, and a touch of sweetener (I used coconut sugar, but brown sugar, honey, or maple syrup would be lovely too), makes this protein oatmeal taste just like a sugar cookie! I felt like I was eating dessert for breakfast in the best possible way.

More Overnight Oats Recipes

Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats Overnight Steel Cut Oats Pumpkin Overnight Oats Overnight Slow Cooker Steel Cut Oats

While this Sugar Cookie Protein Oatmeal tastes great as the recipe is written, you can also use it as a starting point to add all sorts of toppings. Blueberries, orange zest, and pecans was one of my favorite combos, and apple cinnamon is classic too.

Sugar Cookie Overnight Oatmeal  High Protein     WellPlated com - 30Sugar Cookie Overnight Oatmeal  High Protein     WellPlated com - 11Sugar Cookie Overnight Oatmeal  High Protein     WellPlated com - 99Sugar Cookie Overnight Oatmeal  High Protein     WellPlated com - 56Sugar Cookie Overnight Oatmeal  High Protein     WellPlated com - 66Sugar Cookie Overnight Oatmeal  High Protein     WellPlated com - 30